Sci-T Managed Services

Specialized IT Run Support for the Life Sciences

Supporting the compute needs of research science initiatives within the Life Sciences requires focused, agile, and knowledgeable IT support. Learn how RCH’s unique Sci-T Managed Services for scientific computing can bridge the gap between your research and IT teams, and enable your organization to do its best work without disruption.

A Better Model for Implementation

Redefining Traditional Managed Services

Unlike static workforce augmentation services provided by big-box consultants, our dynamic, science-centered Managed Services deliver specialized consulting and execution tailored to meet the unique Bio-IT needs of your research and development teams, on-demand.

  • Comprehensive and customized advice across the full spectrum of advanced Bio-IT needs
  • Accountable, hands-on support for a broad range of scientific and IT domains, delivered by Data Scientists, Application Specialists, Ph.Ds, and more
  • Innovative solutions that address the full scope of the project, rather than out-of-the-box builds based on rigid service-levels
  • A transformative relationship that allows for greater focus on science, improved collaboration, and better outcomes

5 Things you Never Want to Hear Your Scientific Computing Partner Say

Not all scientific computing vendors are equally capable, and it can be difficult to tell whether you’re dealing with a real expert. Pay close attention to the things vendors say and be on the lookout for any of these five indicators that they may not have what it takes to handle your organization’s research IT needs.

Scientific Computing Services

The Sci-T Universe At RCH Solutions

It’s not uncommon for life science research teams to become overburdened by scientific and technical computing tasks that fall beyond the scope of research responsibilities, yet outside of the core areas of expertise of most enterprise IT teams. Learn where and how RCH can step in to supplement your team, and deliver scientific computing strategy and execution services that advance your research objectives.

AI Services

Emerging technologies, like AI and ML, are helping teams perform stable, high-quality analytics and power deeper insights in less time. Learn how our team of AI experts can help you develop the right strategy and a practical roadmap to accelerate your AI ambitions.

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Cloud Computing

Research teams have historically handled their IT needs through traditional data center deployments. But Life Science researchers now need toolsets that facilitate a wider range of computing capabilities. As a result, many have begun migrating from traditional data center deployments toward Public Cloud platforms. Learn how we can help yours.

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Data Management

Data is the lifeblood of research discovery and development. Find out how your team can improve outcomes while reducing IT spend related to storage and analytics. Our team of data management experts will help you identify the best approach for your organization.

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Data Science

Our Data Sciences practice for Life Sciences focuses on the intersection of data ingestion, data extraction, and data modeling, using cross-functional IT best practices to build and automate Bio-IT systems that enable researchers to find more connections between data quickly and with less effort.

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High Performance Computing

Processing billions of parameters to find an ideal drug candidate is no small task. Learn how RCH can help you optimize and execute high-performance compute workloads, enabling you to complete computing tasks in hours instead of weeks.

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Omics and Bioinformatics

Supporting Cloud-based, on-premise and hybrid data management systems, RCH can help teams across of range of Omics-related work, including Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Epigenetics, Microbiomics, build and execute a strategy that supports and optimizes data flow and use.

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Research Application Support

From commercial, open-source, and proprietary instruments and software applications, to Cloud-platforms and data
repositories, RCH can deliver meaningful support for a broad range of scientific tools powering research. When you partner with us, you’ll gain access to a team that can support multiple environments objectively and holistically, helping you drive more value out of your work.

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System Administration

Fast, accurate system administration reduces IT costs and improves research efficiency. Rely on our expert science-IT team to implement high-quality policies for provisioning, permissioning, and authorizing users according to the unique needs of your environment.

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Workflow Optimization

RCH Solutions offers creative guidance and support for identifying and deploying workflow optimization solutions that bring researchers closer to their goals. Equip your team with the tools they need to make valuable discoveries faster and more efficiently than the rest of the industry.

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RCH Solutions to Return to Bio-IT World 2025